Finisor asfalt pe roţi ABG TITAN 273

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Producător: ABG

Modelul: TITAN 273

Tip: finisor asfalt pe roţi

Anul fabricației: 1997

Timpul de lucru: 1711 h

Costul: negociabil

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Dimensiuni de gabarit: 6.09 m × 2.5 m × 3.17 m


Marca: Deutz BF 4 M 1013 C
Forţă: 87 kW (118 c.p.)


Stare: folosite

Informaţie suplimentară:

Wheeled asphalt paver TITAN 273 is in good working condition.

- year of production: 1997
- working hours: 17113
- weight: 15,5 tons
- dimensions: 6.09 m × 2.5 m × 3.17 m
- minimum paving width: 2,5 m
- maximum paving width: 7,5 m
- maximum paving speed: 40 m / min
- maximum paving thickness: 300 mm
- hopper capacity: 12 t
- operating speed: 2.4 km/h
- engine: Deutz BF 4 M 1013 C
- engine power: 87 kW (118.36 HP)

You can find more information about the paver TITAN 273 here: